Over 12 years of experience

We create campaigns worldwide

We keep up with current trends

We love what we do


We provide a full analysis of your website, including user appeal, accessibility, and clarity. In addition to a beautiful appearance and valuable content, the user experience is of ultimate importance. We will compile the correct content, overall clarity, logical layout of buttons and other elements for you in order to make browsing and using your site easier, faster, and more pleasant.


For AB testing, we’ll create several different variants of your website, which will be randomly displayed to your visitors. You will be able to evaluate which of these variants attracts more visitors, and which variant you will continue to use. We also perform user testing by real users who perform specific tasks to see if your system is intuitive and comfortable enough for people who don’t know it yet.


We optimize your conversion rate so users can navigate your site more intuitively. We’ll get acquainted with your field, introduce advanced measuring tools for AB testing, identify problem areas, and compare the situation before and after the change — in real time. As a result, your investment will pay off quickly.


    audit.digital s.r.o.
    Dukelskych hrdinu 909/50
    Prague, Czech Rep.
    170 00
    +420 602 114 134
    IČ: 09058257 | DIČ: CZ09058257
    UX | audit.digital